What is Craniosacral Therapy?
Who Can Benefit from Cranio Sacral therapy?
Everyone Young or Old. Cranio Sacral therapy is particularly effective
whilst pregnant and for babies and young children.
Is your pregnancy uncomfortable?
Is your baby in the right position?
Are you suffering from fluid retention?
Are you suffering from gastric reflux or hiatus hernia?

Was your birth traumatic?
Does your baby seemed distressed in certain movements or positions?
Does your baby or child seem uncoordinated, lacks balance, slow developer?
Does your child have literacy issues?
Does your child have attention challenges?
What is Cranio Sacral Therapy?
Cranio Sacral Therapy is a very light touch used to ensure correct positioning and good mobility of the bones and connecting tissues.
The pressure of the hands is no more than the pressure when pressing on your eyeball.
The name is derived from the system’s associated bones – the cranium which consists of the skull, face and mouth and the spinal column which extends from the neck down to the sacrum and coccyx.
Any imbalance in this system can result in physical, emotional and intellectual dysfunctions that may present as chronic pain, reduced mobility, headaches, migraines, jaw problems, neuralgia, dyslexia, colic, hyperactivity, difficulties feeding and sleeping.
With Babies in particular when a birth is traumatic (which one isn’t!) there can be many issues that this gentle technique can help with. The therapist doesn’t use any drug intervention and the results are normally rapid and obvious within the first or second treatment.
Pregnancy and Chiropractic
Mother hood is a special event in any woman’s life and pregnancy should be enjoyed as part of that special event. Pregnancy is a period when responsibility for the health of two individuals is taken by one.
It is, therefore, vital that the mother-to-be is fully aware of the health implications of pregnancy as well as maintaining a happy and optimistic attitude.
This is only really possible if the future mother actually feels healthy. It’s easy for problems to occur that, while not endangering the health of the mother or baby, cause a vicious circle of aggravation and poorer health.

Back Pain
The classic example is back pain caused by the change of the shape, size and weight of the body. There are the obvious physical changes as well as a general loosening up and stretching of the ligaments around the joints.
As pregnancy proceeds, there is the loss of mobility and agility. Women in pregnancy often hold their shoulders back, stand with a waddling gait. The muscles are being used in a different way from normal, causing aches and pains.
It’s these discomforts that chiropractic is well placed to deal with. Chiropractors are trained to understand the mechanical and physical aspects of pregnancy. Part of their training is also in obstetrics so they have complete knowledge of pregnancy.
Many women are loathe to take any treatment in this period for fear of the safety of the unborn baby. The fact is that through our training we take all aspects of the mother and unborn baby’s safety into account .
The treatment is adapted to the situation. So there is no need to suffer with the discomfort of back or joint pain.
Continued suffering will decrease the feeling of well being, causing tension, leading to an increase in the pain and so on.
Undoubtedly, if not treated, the general health of both mother and baby will suffer.

Pelvic Exercises
Learning to move the pelvis more freely will assist in labour by helping to find the most comfortable position. Lie on the floor with knees bent and feet flat. Place one hand on the hip and one under the hollow of the back. Using the stomach muscles, press the back into the floor. Feel the hip bone move back and buttocks tilt up slightly. Hold for 4-5 Seconds, then release slowly and repeat 5-10 times.
Stand straight with arms by the side. It helps to stand against a wall when first trying this exercise. While tilting the pelvis, bend the legs slightly. The buttocks should drop as the back curves with the shoulders remaining still. Hold for 5 seconds, relax and breathe in. Rock your pelvis keeping the shoulders still all the time
Maintaining Good Health
An overall feeling of well being can only have a beneficial effect in this crucial period, as it would at any other time in a person’s life. This means a good mental attitude, a healthy diet and fitness.
The central nervous system and the energy flowing through it, control all our bodily functions, actions, feelings and movements.
Ensuring full energy flow through the nervous system is therefore, an important aspect of keeping in good health and maintaining a sense of well being. Many Chiropractors recommend regular maintenance manipulation. The expectant mother and unborn child will both be more resistant to disease and the birth is likely o be less traumatic and recovery quicker afterwards for the mother.
As weight is gained throughout the period of pregnancy, the body changes its centre of gravity. It’s typical for the mother-to-be to arch her back to compensate for the increased weight. This can lead to discomfort caused by strain to the muscles in the back and misalignment of the vertebrae.
Good posture, keeping the back straight, can avoid unnecessary aches and pains.
When rising from a chair, put one foot in front of the other and push your centre of gravity from he hips. While keeping your neck and back straight, push of with your feet. Always sit up from a lying position by rolling on to the side and using the arms to push up sideways.
Bending and Lifting
The ligaments of the lower back and pelvis are softened by the hormones produced during pregnancy. This means heavy lifting should be avoided. Make use of the thigh muscles when lifting. Squat down and keep the back straight. Tense the abdominal muscles, count to three and breathe out while lifting. Always keep the object close to the body.
Try not to swivel to either side when carrying a heavy shopping bag. When carrying a toddler, keep the body straight and don’t change sides. When working at a low height, either squat or work on all fours. This is a more comfortable position. Don’t lift anything heavy from a height. It is easy to lose balance if the object is heavier than expected.